Go to the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden to find out the answer! Hahaha!!!
(Some exercise is good for your health...)

The Jurassic Park Plants Stone
Our trip to Jacob Ballas Children's Garden was great!:) Let us tell you more about it...
Firstly, from our school to that wonderful place, our school's(SCGS) Brownie group went by bus number 153. Our school was only 2 bus stops away from Jacob Ballas Children's Garden, therefore it was convenient for us to travel there. At the entrance, all of us Brownies were filled with excitement, wanting to enter there as early as possible to visit the more interesting places.
The Treehouse
-The best place to play hide and seek and take videos while sliding down the slides!
The Floating Platform
-So interesting that you could sink into the pond. (just joking)
-So many plants that you can learn some Science without having to open your textbooks.
The Sand Playground
-So sandy that there is a 97% chance that you will be covered in sand!
The Maze (Don't worry, its rather easy to find your way out)
-It's fun finding all the animals in there! (Don't worry about being eaten up, they are not real!)
The Suspension Bridge
-You might feel scared at first, but when you gather up your courage and cross it you will find it very safe indeed! Can you make the bridge rock?
Click here for more information about Jacob Ballas Children's Garden.
By: Vanda Miss Joaquim